● 0Ambrosia0 :
And I am doing three things at once right now.
● 0Ambrosia0 :
So it's really hard to keep getting on the chat.
● 0Ambrosia0 :
//The female coiled her arms around his masculine shoulders and gave a quick peck to his cheek./
● xitachiUchihax :
-As he was kissed, he paused for a moment and stared at her-
● 0Ambrosia0 :
I will make it up to you, because believe it or not I still have alot of freinds here I care about.
● xitachiUchihax :
I undersand but... -He said, wrapping his arms around her waist.-
● 0Ambrosia0 :
I can try my hardest. If I have to pause though, can you understand and forgive me?
● xitachiUchihax :
I want your FULL. -He paused grabbing ahold of her backside yet again.-
● 0Ambrosia0 :
//Her eyes widened, she squeaked as he grabbed her.// You really are just so determined.
● xitachiUchihax :
No distractions. -He said before he looked deeply into her eyes.-
● xitachiUchihax :
And right now. _He said, setting the moment, he placed a kiss on her lips yet
● xitachiUchihax :
again, only this time he was going to let HER decide the flow of the moment.-
● 0Ambrosia0 :
Can't... //The female leaned close to brush her soft lips against his, one hand rose to cup his cheek.//
● xitachiUchihax :
-He said, disappointed and kinda let down, he released his grip from her and took
● xitachiUchihax :
Please don't text me, I don't my Fiance seeing anything that could upset her.