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    AnimeAddictGirl : bgf djksekllghtfde
    AnimeAddictGirl : omg
    AnimeAddictGirl : mroe
    AnimeAddictGirl : mreow
    Takcnog : I'm gona go to sleep soon, though..gotta walk to school tomorrow
    AnimeAddictGirl : you have school
    AnimeAddictGirl : im on spring break
    Takcnog : yeah...
    Takcnog : -sigh-
    AnimeAddictGirl : Sleeping isnt really my thing
    AnimeAddictGirl : So ima stay up all night!!
    AnimeAddictGirl : and probably start hallucinating again
    AnimeAddictGirl : .....that was a fun day
    Takcnog : ...i hate hallucinating due to sleep deprivation
    AnimeAddictGirl : Its kinda fun,depending on what i see
    AnimeAddictGirl : sometimes its scary
    AnimeAddictGirl : ...........yeah
    Takcnog : -sigh-
    Takcnog : -plops on the flloor and slolwly sleeps-
    AnimeAddictGirl : How does one slowly sleep?
    AnimeAddictGirl : I though everyone slept at the same rate
    Takcnog : no, we sleep at different rates
    AnimeAddictGirl : ........How is that even possible?
    Takcnog : at old age, we go to rem sleep faster
    Takcnog : at baby age, we jump right into rem sleep
    Takcnog : but during teenage years and young adult, we don't go to erm as fast
    AnimeAddictGirl : .......k
    Takcnog : science
    AnimeAddictGirl : Yeah
    Takcnog : -falls back to sleep-
    Takcnog : me :l
    AnimeAddictGirl : I dont like science
    Takcnog : I DEMAND IT
    AnimeAddictGirl : ......
    AnimeAddictGirl : whats the magic word
    Takcnog : ?
    AnimeAddictGirl : llama
    AnimeAddictGirl : has held magic since creation
    AnimeAddictGirl : My friend told me that
    Takcnog : ...
    Takcnog : idk i'm gona go sto sleep
    Takcnog : tired
    Takcnog : night!
    Takcnog : -huggles-
    AnimeAddictGirl : *huggles back*good night
    dan17hazard : ▲ ▼ ◄ ► ▶ ◀ ◣
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