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    CaniCandy : Lyyy, Matt said you said I was 50 years old?
    cleaversdaddy : Barry was the first fsg president
    Realism : Westernized is nother word for White european
    Realism : another*
    Mavericker : I'm HAPPY to be American
    Mavericker : I'm PROUD to be a CHRISTIAN
    AhmedSystemD : My mom made some good cake for me, she called me to have cooffee with her, bbl.
    lyyyyyyyyyy : Goshhh y do people lie like this
    Mavericker : @Marklee
    cleaversdaddy : I bet Obama would bone mav up the ass
    lyyyyyyyyyy : I have never said anything about u ,cani
    Realism : u slap american on front of their names and all of a sudden they arent europeans lol
    Realism : thats the logic
    Mavericker : I'm glad English is a universal language Real
    CaniCandy : I already know lyy, just wanted to tell you what Matt said
    cleaversdaddy : Cani needs attention
    AhmedSystemD has just logged out
    Realism : Mav u are good at assimilating into european culture
    lyyyyyyyyyy : Ok cani, i understand
    Realism : u should try to be one of their saints
    MarkLeeWu : cani it was asparaa who said it
    CaniCandy : Right I need attention from some losers like you cleavers.
    Mavericker : Realism I'm not hung up on CULTURE like you are
    CaniCandy : No Matt, you said lyyy also. Don’t keep lying
    Mavericker : My parents didn't raise me that way
    Mavericker : @Realism
    Realism : Mav thats because you're mixed
    Realism : u straddle the fence like most mixed nuts black folks
    Mavericker : Dude you married a WHITE WOMAN
    Mavericker : @Realism
    Realism : Mav does who i marry change me from being Africa?
    Realism : african*
    Mavericker : Nvm Real
    Realism : or do whites still see me as african and black?
    Realism : just a question
    GhostTung30 : Michael Jackson -black and grey
    Realism : Mav is not used to dealing with black africans who know who they are
    GhostTung30 : Meow
    Realism : hes used to the sell outs who live in contradictions
    Realism : especially the ones who marry outside the race
    Realism : Naw Mav im realism
    Realism : awww no back and forth bickering
    RogueDogOG : *furiously masturbating
    Realism : is that what u wanted?
    Realism : )
    GhostTung30 : I am a bee.. bzzzt bzzt... i have stingray
    GhostTung30 : Meowww
    Realism : have fun assimilating into european culture
    RogueDogOG : sting my cock
    RogueDogOG : right before I nut