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List of all user-created chat rooms by foxtrotniner
weirdmuhammed chat room [public]
I would CLEARLY like to point out regardingwith this issue is with the fundamental religion of Islam and that I IN NO WAY SUPPORT ANY RACIST ACTIVITY! Please Support, protect and honor the democratic right to Vote,Freedom of speech,Freedom of expression. Also go to these sites FOR MORE ACTIONS, type in your browser : / / for further info about this intolerant retarded Islam community copy these links: / /
muhammedremembers9-11 chat room [public]
+++++++++++++++++++++REMEMBER 9/11++++++++++++++++++++++++WATCH ZERO HOUR++++++++
muslim wankers chat room [public]
--------------------------------------------------STOP ISLAM / NO GRAND MOSQUES IN YOUR AREA-------------------------------------------------------
allahu wankar chat room [public]
----------------------------BAN ISLAM----------BOYCOTT ALL MUSLIMS-----SAY NO TO BUILDING MOSQUES IN YOUR AREA-----------------------------------------------

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